The Andermatt Three-Pronged Approach to FCM Control.
False Codling Moth (Thaumatotibia leucotreta) is extremely polyphagous caterpillar that feeds on crops especially fruits including flowers by penetrating them and can cause significant damage. The high infestation by this pest often leads to dramatic fruit drop and high yield losses.
Through a combination of Andermatt Kenya bioinsecticide such as CRYPTEX® SC, ECO-Bb® WP and THURICIDE HP, we offer a comprehensive solution that not only targets FCM effectively but also handles other key pests that affect roses.
CRYPTEX® SC can effectively target False codling moth in integrated pest management programs. CRYPTEX® SC is a suspension concentrate of a granulovirus (CrleGV) for the biological control of False Codling Moth-FCM (Thaumatotibia leucotreta) on Roses, Capsicum and Avocado.
CRYPTEX® SC mode of action ;Infection of granulovirus (GVs) normally takes place by ingestion of occlusion bodies by larvae of the host insect, False Codling Moth (FCM)
Eco-Bb® WP Eco-Bb® WP is a Biological insecticide containing spores of Beauveria bassiana a natural occurring entomopathogenic fungus, which control, infects and kills various agricultural insects such as Thrips, Aphids, Whiteflies and Red spider mites on French beans, Red spider mites, Thrips and Mealybugs on Roses, White flies, Aphids and Thrips on Basil and False codling moth and Fruit flies on Mangoes.
Mode of action: When Beauveria bassiana spores come into contact with the insect, they attach to and penetrate through the ‘skin’ or cuticle. This is achieved by the physical growth of the fungal mycelium aided by enzymes such as chitinase and proteases. Once inside the insect, the fungus grows and multiplies. Death is caused by internal tissue destruction and may be aided by toxins produced by the fungus.
THURICIDE H.P:Is a biological insecticide containing spores of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) subspecies kurstaki, which is spore forming bacterium which produces, crsytals of protein endotoxin. The endotoxin is specifically toxic to many lepidopterans larvae on vegetables ,Roses and for the control of Giant Looper, Green Looper, Leaf Skeletonizers and jelly grub in coffee.
Mode of Action: Once the Larvae ingest Bacillus thuringiensis, specific gut enzymes dissolve the crystal proteins into active sub-fractions, then they attach themselves to receptor sites in the gut wall, resulting in pore formation. As a consequence, gut paralysis occurs leading to a cessation of feeding and therefore no further feeding and damages to the plant by the target pests.