March 8th,2023-Corteva Agriscience Kenya Ltd launched Zorvec Encantia®330SE, a new fungicide that specifically targets detrimental diseases early blight and late blight in both potatoes and tomatoes. The solution, based on Zorvec® active, is the first member of a novel class of fungicides, which has a unique mode of action, and has no cross-resistance with existing fungicides.
Majority of growers in Kenya are Small-scale farmers. Most of farmers grow potatoes and tomatoes for commercial purposes and for own use. Cultivation is prevalent in medium to high altitude (1200-3000 meters) above sea level. Almost all of Kenya’s potatoes and tomatoes are consumed locally. Viazi; as referred in Swahili, are enjoyed not only by the rural people who farm it but also by urban inhabitants. potato is currently the second most important food crop by consumption in Kenya after maize.
Potato growing zones have gradually been increasing in Hectarage respectively over the last 7 years. Kenya’s key driver to the growth is the adoption rates of certified seeds in 2022 to approximately 30% against a baseline of less than 3 % in 2015. This has relatively improved productivity to averagely 10MT/Ha against the possible optimum production of 40MT/Ha(NPCK, 2022) compared to 3MT/ha in 2015. Key challenge remains erratic weather pattern, access to affordable inputs(fertilizer), pests and diseases, storage challenges and minimal extension services.
Late blight disease, continue to be the most damaging to potato producers, costing them an estimated USD 3-10 billion each year worldwide. In Kenya, where smallholder farmers produce potatoes, the disease can wipe out up to 70% of their harvest.
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum mill) is the second leading vegetable in Kenya in terms of production and value afier potato. It can be grown either outdoors or under protected environment because of its wide adaptability and versatility. It is classified as one of the most profitable crops in Kenya in terms of returns on investment. Early and late blight are the most destructive fungal disease
In the growing season sand takes a big percentage of the production cost. Most of the products in the market have almost developed resistance and have low efficacy thus giving tomato farmers a hard time. During the rainy and cold seasons the diseases are usually high and call for an proactive and detailed spray program to minimize attacks.
“I was quite pleased with the outcomes I had afier using Zorvec Encantia. During the cold season, I spray several fungicides, but when I sprayed Zorvec, I noticed it was cost-effective. Pests and diseases force farmers to spend a lot of money to manage them, when I used Zorvec, it was effective, I did few applications and I saved money.. Its easy and convenient to measure and use- says Potato farmer Jeremiah Kariuki.

“When I started farming, I was affected by pests like cutworms and also early blight on tomatoes. It was a big challenge to control the pests and diseases. Until I decided to seek help from experts so I can be educated on how to control early blight and other pests. Once tomatoes get to the flowering stage, you find that the leaves develop dark spots, turn yellowish and eventually drop.. Zorvec Encantia is able to stop the development of this disease.. Zorvec encantia has proved to be an effective fungicide for my tomato crop.” – says Kihara Kimani tomato farmer.
Zorvec Encantia® is here to change everything in terms of effectiveness, protection and productivity, and will be a great ally for Kenya’s potato and tomato producers during all stages of cultivation and in challenging climatic conditions.
Afier more than a decade’s research, Corteva Agriscience has created a novel chemical with an unrivalled level of consistency and control, especially when it comes to oomycetes (mildew and late blight) management, allowing for lower operational costs and overall improved efficiency.
Zorvec Encantia® has multiple effects on a pathogen’s life cycle for better efficacy and duration of control and protects leaves as they grow and expand, guaranteeing the protection of new shoots even if they have not been treated. The product also offers fast absorption, which allows for high tolerance to wash-off by rainfall or irrigation water and reduces the need for re-sprays and unscheduled applications.
Zorvec Encantia®, now available for Kenyan farmers. The Kenyan Farmers have a new alternative to support them produce their crops effectively. Visit the Corteva website for more information.