organizing committee and partners of the Kenya Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs
Conference and Exhibition take this opportunity to invite you to the third
edition of the event to be held on 25th to 27th September 2019 at Kenya School
of Monetary Studies, Nairobi.
The theme of this year’s
event is: “Enhancing
market access through aggregation, food safety and compliance to standards in
fruits, vegetables and herbs”. This event will provide an environment for
stakeholders in the horticultural industry to discuss and chart a way forward
regarding market access and trade, finance in agriculture, food safety, aggregation,
value addition, devolution, innovations and technology for Kenya’s Fruits,
Vegetables and Herbs. Conference participants are drawn from a cross section of
horticulture industry actors and decision makers including leading fresh
produce exporters, domestic consolidators, researchers, industry professionals,
scientists, and academia.
Please visit for registration. Registration fee for attending the conference is One thousand five hundred shillings, only (1500.00).
The fee is payable to FPEAK through:
- Bank: Barclays Bank of Kenya
- Account Name: FPEAK Conference
- Branch: Moi Avenue, Bank Code: 075
- Account number: 1125046
- Paybill 303030 Account Number: 0751125046