Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) and USAID’s Kenya Horticultural Competitiveness Project (KHCP) are launching results of a study on fruits and vegetable consumption in the country.
The study, conducted by a consultant under USAID-KHCP, covered a period of 12 months starting April last year. The study sought to find out, from the retailers of fruit and vegetables both in urban and rural areas, the volumes and value of the sold and consumed fruits and vegetables. The Authority is seeking to interact with industry stakeholders to brainstorm on sustainability and future improvements that are needed to cater for industry needs as well as the importance of the study
The results of this study will be released on May 22, 2012 at the HCDA Headquarters staring 8.30am.
The study will also inform the Authority and the industry stakeholders in their efforts to the development of Marketing Information Systems (MIS) in the country. This will lead to updated market information, designed to enhance value chain interventions to improve domestic market potential for smallholder producers being undertaken in collaboration with horticulture industry stakeholders and increase incomes for smallholder farmers.
Market information systems supposed to inform retailers and smallholder farmers have been weak hence the need to develop a business approach that can maintain and grow the market share of traders and farmers.