Source:Mt Kenya Avocado Farms/
Kenya Avocados:
October 6, 2016, Nairobi. Incredible and inspiring, the story of avocado farming in Kenya begun in 1965 when a programme to evaluate avocado for adaptability in Kenya was commissioned.
Kenya is now Africa’s second largest avocado growing and exporting country in Africa, after South Africa.
The main varieties grown in Kenya is a local variety, reffered to as “Kienyeji”, followed by Fuerte variety and then Hass variety, in that order. The Pinkerton avocado cultivar is also grown in Kenya although in way smaller quantities.
The main areas where avocados are grown in Kenya are the central highlands of Kenya mainly Thika, Muranga, Nyeri, Embu and Meru areas. However, there are other avocado growing zones outside Central Kenya. These include Eldoret, Kisii, Subukia, Nakuru and Naivasha.
Packing of avocados in Kenya is done in 4 kg gross boxes (cartons) with each box holding between 9 and 26 pieces of fruit depending on the size. In the case where the fruits are shipped by sea, the fruits are packed in 4 kg- gross open trays that are firm enough to withstand moisture in the controlled atmosphere (CA) reefers.
One box of fresh kenya avocado retails at around 4.5 US Dollars in Nairobi, packed and ready for shipment.
The main season for Kenya avocados is March to September with Fuerte being available from March and Hass variety being available from May. However, it is worth noting that given the tropical climate and different avocado growing zones in Kenya, there are fruits throughout the year although in smaller quantities outside the main season period.
The packed fruits are shipped to various countries either by sea or by air. The main countries that import Kenya avocados are mainly in Europe, namely France, Netherlands, Germany,Spain, Belgium and Russia. There is also a substantial market for Kenya avocado exports in the Middle East especially in UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon and Egypt. Other markets are opening up for Kenya avocados in upcoming markets e.g Singapore and Hong Kong. Read More about our fresh avocados…
For fresh and healthy avocados from Kenya, talk to our sales representative today. Click Here to contact us.