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HomeFeatureNoPath for Downey Mildew and Botrytis, says Koppert Biological Systems

NoPath for Downey Mildew and Botrytis, says Koppert Biological Systems

Nairobi, May 7, 2018. The unveiling of NoPath by Koppert Biological Systems has rightly come when growers in the horticulture industry are grappling with increasing challenges in dealing with crop diseases and pests menace. Koppert is renowned as the world market leader in biological crop protection and natural pollination. The company offers sustainable Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs to growers that allow them to maintain healthy crops with minimal reliance on chemical pesticides.

The new product is based on essential oils extracted from plants. It is used for the management of fungal and bacterial diseases in various crops. It is a preventive, curative and eradicative product which is safe for humans and the environment. With a wide spectrum anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, it is used to reduce microbial contamination or infection in plants or plant parts and can also fight soil related diseases.

NoPath which is set to manage Downey Mildew and Botrytis was launched in 3 regions namely; Nairobi, Nanyuki and Naivasha respectively. The colorful events attracted growers who flocked in wide procession eager to take hold of this new solution. The launch that premiered in Nairobi, left participants assured of a better way in the management of fungal diseases. The next event was in Nanyuki,while the wrap-up was in Naivasha where growers packed up the seminar venues.

The presenters at the events who were mainly from Koppert Kenya and Koppert BV-Netherlands were ardent in giving new revelations which sparked interactions between them and the keen participants. They reiterated that NoPath is made from natural food-grade ingredients thus ensuring safety to users and the environment.

Dr. Nicholas Stutterheim, the brain behind the product, took the participants through the mode of action of NoPath while revealing lab test results of cultured pathogens and field test results from across the world.

The testimonials were astounding. Naomi Kahurani, commercial manager at Koppert Kenya took the audience through testimonials of growers who are currently using NoPath. Below are some of the testimonials.
“We use NoPath very effectively in our varieties that are susceptible to downy mildew. We normally start drenching NoPath in both soil and hydroponics greenhouses at least two months before the onset of the long rains and short rains. Consequently, we see less downy mildew incidence throughout the rainy season. Our experience with NoPath is that it gives the best preventive control of downy mildew in roses.” Madhav Lengare–The General Manager, Kongoni River Farm (Liki and Timau Division)

“The type of rose that we grow is inherently susceptible to downy mildew. Since our farm operates under GAPs, NoPath fits well in our integrated Downy mildew management strategy. With NoPath Drench, we no longer worry about Downy mildew even in the rainy season” Godfrey Kahiga, Production Manager from Tambuzi Ltd.

And from BasavarajappaYogeesh- Florenza Limited, “I started using NoPath2 years ago on only 3 ha at the time. I started seeing some improvement in the vigour of the crop, reduced sensitivity to Downy mildew, while Botrytis noticeably reduced in these greenhouses. Prior to NoPath, it was very tricky to control Botrytis and Downy milidewin the crop in our 2 ha blocks. When I saw these changes in the treated area, 6 months later, we extended the use of the product to whole farm of 16 ha. NoPath has also given considerable improvement on the foliage.”

Geoffrey Ongoya, while taking the audience through the results of the official efficacy trials which lead to registration of NoPath, concluded that the productis:
• Effective for management of Downy Mildew and Botrytis.
• Can be used as a drench or aspray.
• Recommended rate is 2L/ Ha.
• Spraying at 7 Days interval; Drenching at 3 Weeks interval.

As the launch concluded, it was clear that NoPath is the sustainable approach in the management of fungal diseases in cut flowers, herbs, vegetables and other crops. Current work in Kenya has showed good control of downey mildew on roses, chives and basils; rust on beans and carnation; early blight on tomatoes and soft rot in arabicum, among others.

Miriam Gacheri Kirigia, one of the participants happily confessed, ”NoPath for me is a must add to the list of products.” Ms. Virginia, also a participant, said, ” This is a new dawn for agriculture.”
With exporters facing stringent measures on maximum residue levels and the market leaning towards sustainable farming, NoPath is a great relief for them.

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