Over 100,000 people attended today the streets of Oslo in a march of solidarity with the relatives of those who died in Friday’s attacks.
Most participants carried a red or white rose. Because so many people attended the march it was impossible for it to go ahead as planned. Instead, people were encouraged to place flowers around the city.
Gathered at Rådhusplassen, the crowd started to sing Nordahl Grieg’s famous song “Til Ungdommen” and “Ja, vi elsker.”
“Tonight the streets are filled with love. We have chosen to respond to cruelty with proximity, chosen to meet hatred with unity. We have chosen to show what we stand for. Norway is a country in mourning. We think of all those who have suffered losses, miss, all that made a heroic effort to save lives and restore our security and our leaders who have been put on the difficult attempt in recent days,” said the Crown Prince.
Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said that Norway is not giving up. “With torches and roses, we give the world a message. We do not let the fear break us, he told the audience,” he told the audience.
At the same time, similar marches took place in Bergen, Stavanger and Kristiansand.