Four horticultural chain partners DLV Plant, Grodan, Koppert Biological Systems and Nunhems are bringing their knowhow together at the Horti Fair, held from 30 October until 2 November 2012, to support sustainable greenhouse growing. The Sustainable Growing Plaza in hall 8, is the name of the platform designed for synergies between the four partners. Additionally, the partners will hold a joint Sustainable Growing seminar at the Horti Fair.
The international horticultural sector is facing great challenges. Not only in the area of profitability and continuity, also with regards to sustainable growing practices and increasing yields to feed a fast growing global population.
It will be the joint challenge of the sector to ensure that more is achieved, using less resources, in a better way. Three factors have a profound influence on the quality and yield of produce: seed variety, the greenhouse climate and the root zone.
Sustainable growing of high quality produce can only be realised to its full potential if
horticultural suppliers ensure that their solutions for these greenhouse factors, are attuned and enhance each other. This requires collaboration in knowledge development and sharing within the chain. Four horticultural suppliers have therefore joined forces to bring their various areas of expertise to The Sustainable Growing Plaza.
This expertise comprises total crop and greenhouse management, ranging from genetics, plant physiology, water, nutrient and climate management to resilient cultivation and plant protection.
The Sustainable Growing Plaza
The members of The Sustainable Growing Plaza, DLV Plant, Grodan, Koppert Biological Systems and Nunhems, will demonstrate how their synergies in knowledge and solution development enable growers to have optimum control and cultivate with precision. By applying these sustainable growing practices, the grower is able to fully
manage his growing input and costs and at the same time increase yield and yield quality. Thus improving profitability and at the same time actively contributing towards a sustainable horticulture. Erik Titulaer, owner of Hortibiz magazine and The Sustainable Growing Plaza coordinator explains: “The Plaza will be designed in such
a way that synergies are stimulated during the Horti Fair. Next to this, a collaborative seminar will be held by all four suppliers to offer insight in the newest developments, solutions and methods in the area of sustainable growing.”
Plaza and seminar
The Sustainable Growing Plaza will be in hall 8, stand 423. The Sustainable Growing seminar will take place on Tuesday October 30th at 17:00 or Thursday November 1st at 17:00.