Chrysal Rose Dip; beautiful roses and low wastage. Every grower wants to ensure beautiful flowers and low wastage. However, according to a study by Innovative Fresh, the amount of waste caused by Botrytis in supermarkets is on average 12%. Waste also occurs at the farm, during transport and at the final customer. The total cost of Botrytis damage amounts to millions of Euro’s.
What is Botrytis?
Botrytis cinerea (grey mould) is a fungus which causes a loss of quality in flowers like Rosa, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera and Lisianthus.
The place of origin, season, hygiene during processing and storage, weather conditions and climate control play an important role in the appearance and development of Botrytis. The fungus thrives on both living and dead plant materials.
The infection starts when miniscule little mould spores, spread through the air. Starting as a little white speck (‘pock’) on the flower petals, it spreads right to the bottom of the flower.
It gradually changes its colour to brown and finally all the petals fall off. Unfortunately Botrytis is an irreversible condition. Whilst infected flower petals are often removed by hand, there can be no guarantees that the fungal infection has not already damaged the rest of the petals. Throwing the flower away is the only remedy to prevent further infection.
Keeping your flowers Botrytis free with Chrysal
Chrysal now has the perfect solution to this problem and is introducing a new unique concept, Chrysal Rose Dip. Rose Dip is extremely effective against Botrytis and helps growers to keep their beautiful roses, fresher longer, full of colour and free of Botrytis.
Chrysal offers a unique service in which the entire process of dipping the flowers locally at the grower after bunching is monitored by a Chrysal specialist. So the best results are guaranteed and the grower does not need to worry about the correct application and dosing.
Chrysal Rose Dip is the only registered anti-Botrytis product, making it safe to use and up to 95% effective against Botrytis. Rose Dip is extremely effective at controlling Botrytis in the entire flower chain, making long transport possible, by reducing their vulnerability during the challenges of transportation. The application of Chrysal Rose Dip also enhances the colours, slows down the opening of the flowers and thus increase vase life.
Growers can save costs while improving their quality. It’s an all-round winner; happy grower, happy retailer, happy customer and happy roses!